Thank you for your support, faith, and understanding during the COVID-19 pandemic. As your elected leaders and being rooted in Jesus Christ, the members of the Church Council of St. John Lutheran Church (SJLC) are dedicated to creating safe spaces for all people, keeping especially mindful of the most vulnerable.

The SJLC building will re-open for indoor in-person worship on Sunday, October 18, 2020. Below are the guidelines for re-opening the building, which were unanimously adopted by the SJLC Council on September 30, 2020. Being guided by our congregation’s mission statement, the included guidelines will assist us in moving forward in our shared ministry.

Flexibility will be necessary as we regather indoors in-person. The guidelines and building usage may change based on COVID-19 positive cases, exposure, or other occurrences.

May God bless you. Thank you again for your faith and flexibility.


St. John Lutheran Church
Building Re-Opening Guidelines
October 2020

Welcome and Care:
1- You are welcome to worship in various ways: Indoor in-person on Sundays at 10am, and/or online via YouTube and Facebook

2- Please, do not attend in-person worship if you…
-Are experiencing Symptoms of COVID-19 or other illnesses
-Have been exposed (or possibly exposed) to someone with COVID-19

3- Please, use great caution in attending indoor in-person worship if you have high risk factors (Chronic illness, compromised immune system, in an older age group, etc.)

Guidelines for Building Use:
1- Masks are required for all indoor events
a. SJLC will provide reusable & disposable masks as needed
b. Exceptions: Medical conditions, children under age 2

2- Physically distanced (6+ feet apart) in building and worship spaces
a. Pews, seats, and tables marked accordingly
b. Household units may sit together

3- Hand sanitizer provided for all in attendance

4- Seating capacity limited based on CDC guidelines
a. Variable: Number & size of household units present

5- No fellowship time or congregating before or after events

6- As possible, leave outside and inside building doors open, providing fresh air exchange and minimizing contact surfaces

7- Surfaces and air will be sanitized following each indoor gathering

Guidelines for Indoor In-person Worship Services:
1- No corporate singing and limited corporate speaking

2- Limit to one leader (Preacher, reader, soloist) speaking or singing at a time
a. Leader may remove mask while he/she is speaking/singing

3- Implement safe practices for Holy Communion
a. Use single-serving, individual, disposable communion containers
b. Ushers/Altar Guild distribute communion containers prior to worship

4- No passing of offering plates

5- Ushers will escort participants (1) to their seats before worship and (2) out of sanctuary following worship

6- Limit duration of worship service (Under 45 min.)

7- All worship participants to sign-in for the purpose of contact tracing as needed

Other gatherings:
1- Sunday School and Confirmation classes will begin with no in-person gatherings
a. Material will be available through mail and/or online

2- Other gatherings will be handled by the SJLC Council on a case-by-case basis


***Based on active COVID-19 cases in Madison and surrounding areas, indoor in-person gatherings at SJLC may be temporarily suspended.