Confirmation:  Our confirmation program starts in 6th grade with youth confirmed in the fall of their 9th grade year.  Confirmation meets most Wednesdays during the school year at 6:30pm (grades 6-8) and 7:30pm (in the fall for grade 9). 

Downloadable confirmation resources:

In our ELCA denomination, confirmation is part of our faith formation, where youth learn more about the Christian church.  Most Lutherans are baptized as infants, with promises made on the infant's behalf by their parents and sponsors.  Confirmation is an "affirmation of baptism," where youth recognize God's work in their lives and make public their desire to continue in their journey of faith with the church.

Our High School Youth Group meets 8:00pm most Wednesdays during the school year for, starting in November, for Bible studies, service and fellowship.

6th-12th Grade Youth have other events through the year, including bowling, Great Bear, Valley Fair, service projects, Bible camp, and more.